Dental unit KaVo Estetica E50 Life TM
Type: Estetica E50 Life
Manufacturer: KaVo Dental GmbH, 88400 Biberach, Germany
Year of manufacture: 2016
Date of purchase according to invoice: 17.01.2017
Very good, function-tested condition
Doctor’s element:
- Supply hose for light turbine device
- 2x supply hose for micromotor
- Multifunctional handpiece, angled with supply hose
- Ultrasonic scaler PiezoLED with supply hose, handpiece
- Spray heating for instruments
- Tray holder for two standard trays
- Anti-slip mat
- USB camera interface
Assistant element:
- Spray mist extractor
- Saliva ejector
- Three-function handpiece with supply hose
- Swivel and height adjustable
- Selective tray
Unit body:
- Hot water boiler for tumbler filling
- Mouth rinsing basin manually operated
- Amalgam separator
- DVGW water block with sterilisation
- Porcelain mouth rinsing basin
- Media gateway for software updates
- Intensive disinfection
Patient chair:
- Upholstery colour smoke blue
- Progress backrest
- 2-joint headrest, with push button meachnical
- Soft upholstery set incl. headrest
- Left armrest
KaVoLux 540 LED operating light with light attachment bar
Foot control cordless
Are you interested in the object? Then call us right away: +49 (0) 7275 9898780, or write to us using the contact form. Are you interested in payment by instalments or leasing? We will be happy to put you in contact with our partner banks and leasing companies.